Our roots
Sports4Trees is a reforestation campaign of the non-profit association Sports for Future e. V.
Sports for Future e. V. was initiated in july 2019 together with TSG Hoffenheim, Werder Bremen, the German Sports Youth Association, other associations and individuals like Fabian Hambüchen and Jaqueline Otchere. The association currently represents more than 23 million athletes through its signatories, through …
… associations (like Deutsche Sportjugend, Deutsche Behindertensportjugend, german women and men fieldhockey national team, Landessportbund NRW, Landessportjugend Niedersachsen, eSport-Bund Deutschland, German badminton association (DBV), floorball association Germany (FD)),
… clubs (TSG Hoffenheim, Werder Bremen, VfL Osnabrück, Waldhof Mannheim, Vorwärts Spoho 98 e.V., The Football Foundation for Africa, and many more smaller clubs from all over Germany, Switzerland and Austria),
… inidividual athletes and fan organizations (Fabian Hambüchen, Anni Friesinger-Postma, Lutz Pfannenstiel, Carlotta Nwajide, Fini Sturm, Nike Lorenz, Michael Walther, Boris Herrman and Team Malizia, Forest Green Allgäu),
… scientific institutions (University of Bayreuth, University of Vechta, Cologne Business School, German Sport University Cologne, Georg-Kerschensteiner-Schule Holdorf, Gymnasium Lohne).
Stefan Wagner (1. chairman), Claudia Fischer (2. chairwoman) and Barbara Wagner (treasurer) are forming the board of Sports for Future.

Stefan Wagner

Claudia Fischer

Barbara Wagner
A new partner in the race against time: Foundation Alliance for Development and Climate
We bring our message to the world through partners with strong communications, such as the Alliance for Development and Climate and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Since fall 2018, the Alliance has been working towards the goal of linking development cooperation and international climate protection through the tool of voluntary offsetting of greenhouse gases.
We want to carry out reforestation on a large scale, because: Extensive planting of new trees is an effective way to capture CO2. It serves as a time saver in the fight against climate change.
We enable associations, clubs, teams, individual athletes and companies to participate and become active themselves: for example, through climate tickets (the option to purchase tree seedlings when buying a ticket for a sports event), green memberships, fundraising runs, deposit donations, placing a tree donation box at the ticket office. This is how we make climate protection suitable for everyday life and integrate simple but effective action into the sports industry. Be part of it and get active or contact us .